COVID-19 Update – Mon 20 Sep

Dear Badminton Community,

The NZ Government has just announced that our region will remain in Alert Level 2 (Delta) until at least Tue 5 Oct at 11:59pm. This will be reviewed by cabinet on Mon 4 Oct. A significant change sees the limit on mass gatherings increased from 50 to 100. This is what we have been waiting for. Please read below for an update on our badminton activities during Alert Level 2 (Delta) and a reminder of the continued requirements.

Alert Level 2 (Delta)

All the measures introduced along with ‘Alert Level 2 (Delta)’ remain in effect. Here is a reminder:

  • Mandatory mask wearing in all public venues. This includes all spectators, staff, coaches, parents and persons not engaged with playing. Masks are to be worn the entire time but may be removed to eat and drink.
  • Mandatory record keeping. This is different and in addition to the contact tracing register complied by Badminton Manawatu. The easiest way to do this is by using the NZ COVID Tracer app on your phone to scan the QR codes at the venue. Badminton Manawatu are providing our own QR codes for scanning in addition to the CET Arena ones and will remind everyone when entering the venue. If you are not scanning QR codes, then we will ask what method you are using to keep a record of your personal movements.
  • A maximum of 100 persons in an indoor venue. This is a firm limit, and we will not operate any event/programme that would breach this. Strictly adhere to any staggered start times as these may be used to ensure we can run an event without breaching the 100-person maximum.
  • A minimum of 2-meter physical distancing. This applies to anyone not participating in badminton and must be maintained by everyone not sharing the same household (or household bubble).

These extra requirements indicate the increased risk of Delta compared to previous strains and so Badminton Manawatu will be enforcing all Alert Level 2 (Delta) requirements in cooperation with CET Arena staff. Anybody not following the requirements, or repeatedly offending will be removed from the venue for the safety of everyone else.

Programmes & Events

Below is an update on the status of each event/programme and what this will look like at Alert Level 2 (Delta):

  • Bubble Badminton – GOING AHEAD (Tue 21 Sep). The final opportunity to book courts to play badminton in CET Arena through us is on Tue 21 Sep (4pm-5:30pm) & (5:45pm-7:15pm). Bookings can be made, and full details are available, on our website:
  • Thursday Night Badminton League (Round 6) – GOING AHEAD (Thu 23 Sep). The mass gathering limit has been increased to 100 so we are able to resume TNBL on Thursday. Most teams have confirmed entry into Round 6 and so once the last few have replied we will be able to complete and release the draw for the upcoming round.
  • Shuttle Time Primary School Competition (Term 3) – CANCELLED. All schools have been contacted and unfortunately the competition cancelled.
  • Shuttle Time Youth League (Term 3) – CANCELLED. All schools have been contacted and unfortunately the competition cancelled.
  • Shuttle Time Badge Course (Term 3) – CANCELLED. Not enough time remain to delivery and effective programme in Term 3. Registrations are open for the Term 4 course.
  • Junior Reps (Training) – GOING AHEAD (Tue 28 Sep). The final junior rep training will run as one large group (all age groups) in Arena on Tue 28 Sep. Watch out for communication about an upcoming Manawatu ABCD Championships later in the year as well as prize-giving.
  • Senior Reps (Practice) – CANCELLED. No venues are available to us until Alert Level 1, which will not be until October at the earliest. Watch out for communication about an upcoming Manawatu ABCD Championships later in the year!
  • Shuttle Time Intermediate School Competition (Term 4) – GOING AHEAD (Thu 4 Nov). We are planning as if the Term 4 school competition will be in Alert Level 1. Please visit our website to register teams:
  • Shuttle Time Badge Course (Term 4) – GOING AHEAD (Tue 2 Nov) . We are planning as if the Term 4 after-school Shuttle Time course will be in Alert Level 1. This will be located at Cornerstone School on Tuesdays at 3:45pm-5:15pm (2 Nov – 14 Dec). The registration form is on our website: Queries can be made directly to Josh Curry at

More Information

We expect all attendees to be familiar with the expectations upon them when participating (or attending) any Badminton Manawatu event/programme during any alert level. To make sure you are up to date, visit our website and read the ‘Participant Guidelines’ document:

Further details on alert levels and Sport NZ guidance can be found on their websites:

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.